Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thumper's Bounty

This little ceramic Thumper belonged to my husband. He's had it since he was about 4 years old. Alas, Thumper is no more. During one of our trips to North Carolina, a squirrel got into the attic, worked its way down to the basement between the walls and came out down there where the ceiling is just the open rafters in his workshop area. Apparently it freaked out and went berserk. As it ran around it knocked things all over the place. A whole shelf of flashlights were on the floor, prints on my framing bench were all on the floor, anything on a window ledge was knocked down, and of course, poor Thumper who used to live on a ledge as you came down the stairs, was shattered on the floor. 

Alas, poor Thumper, we knew him well.

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