Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wall Drug Landscape I

This could just be my mania, but ever since my first almost month-long wanderings with my hubby in the mid-west, I have been tickled by and enamored of the Wall Drug signs that line the highway in South Dakota. They seem to be every mile or so. If you've never been, Wall Drug is not what it sounds like. Not a pharmacy per se, at least not anymore. Wall is the town and it is TINY! A main street has shops lining it that are all connected by interior walkways and there is a covered boardwalk out front that evokes the old west.

I Googled the Wall Drug billboards once an found out that they were all painted by a man named Dobby. So nicknamed because of the daubs of paint all over his clothing. The sad irony of his story is how he met his end. He was out on the highway, getting ready to make a new billboard, when all the sheets of plywood slid off his truck and crushed him. Talk about sacrificing for your art! Well, this series is in honor of you, Dobby!

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